Our consulting services related to Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act – FATCA and Common Reporting Standard -CRS include accompaniment, legal classification and assurance on issues of effective compliance with these financial reporting frameworks.
FATCA is Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act enacted in 2010 by the U.S. Congress and is intended to identify U.S. taxpayers with accounts in foreign financial entities (“FFIs”) in order to obtain reporting of such accounts through withholding tax. Foreign financial entities (“FFIs”) and non-financial foreign entities (“NFFEs”) are required to comply with FATCA or be subject to withholding tax penalties on certain payments.
CRS is standard for automatic exchange of financial account information (“AEOI”) developed by the OECD

-Entity classification.
-Implementation of FATCA and CRS in financial and non-financial services companies.

-Development of effective compliance plans and strategies.
-Accompaniment in process of registration and/or update before the U.S. Tax Administration.

-Technical advice on questions related to FATCA and CRS.