Accompaniment to
Administrative Authorities
and Tax Litigation
Need to comply with the collection goals and obtain economic resources from entities in charge has made auditing of companies more and more aggressive, which is why taxpayers require a work team with high experience in tax issues and administrative procedures, as well as the ability to anticipate positions and elaborate defense strategies.

-Elaborate Preventive Concepts and Tax Diagnoses – we analyze the arguments of the tax collecting entities and propose the best defense strategies for specific case according to jurisprudence, tax authority concepts and legal interpretation, determining in turn a percentage of success of the lawsuit.

-Strategic litigation – we carry out the appeals and requirements in administrative proceedings and the accompaniment and judicial representation in the lawsuits and stages of the processes to the competent judges.
-Elaboration of opinions that can be presented as evidence in development of judicial processes

-Accompaniment in Amnesties in Tax Matters
– Taxes reforms have considered legal figures that allow taxpayers who are discussing tax obligations to save considerable amounts of penalties and interest, depending on stage of discussion. Our team is able to foresee application of these figures and to quantify savings, according to each case