Law 2277 of 2022 allows individuals who file income tax under the general income category to deduct 1% of the value of their purchases made with electronic invoices. This deduction cannot exceed two hundred forty (240) UVT in the respective taxable year and is subject to the following four (4) requirements:
- The good or service cannot have been claimed as a cost or deduction in any other tax.
- The acquisition of the good or service must be supported by a previously validated Electronic Sales Invoice.
- Payment must be made by debit or credit card or any other electronic means involving an entity supervised by the Financial Superintendency as the authority in charge.
- The electronic sales invoice must have been issued by entities that are obliged to issue it.
Despite this possibility, the DIAN reported that after analyzing the invoices validated in 2023 and issued to individuals, only 19.7% meet the requirements for the tax deduction of 1% of the value of purchases in the income tax return. The reason is that only this fraction of the total reported, as a means of payment, a debit card, credit card or other electronic means of an entity supervised by the Superintendencia Financiera.In view of the foregoing, the DIAN suggests discriminating the means of payment in the electronic invoice without this implying a new requirement for its issuance.