icon servicios planeacion tributaria 2 big - Development of structures and strategies to mitigate risks and reduce tax burden in investment operations


Development of structures and strategies to mitigate risks and reduce tax burden in investment operations

Aware of the importance in development of strategies to mitigate risks for national economy of both domestic and foreign investment, our service offers advice and support in investment processes in our country and abroad, through legal design and use of beneficial and favorable tax treatments contemplated in domestic regulations and through international agreements signed by Colombia.

img Desarrollo de estructuras - Development of structures and strategies to mitigate risks and reduce tax burden in investment operations
Our service includes:

-Design and structuring of investment plans.


-Study of tax obligations and design of compliance schemes.
-Accompaniment and incorporation of corporate and non-corporate entities in Colombia.


-Compliance with legal requirements to access preferential tax treatments.

Tax planning

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